Health Care Rights

Basic Human Rights

Everyone has the right to health care; our country should ensure that we are all as healthy as we can be.

A national health care plan is crucial, but so are other aspects like Mental Health and Sex Education.

  1. Nation Health Care
    Try again to make national health care. How to do this is already out there. See, for example, [Dem 2004]. "Our goal is straightforward: quality, affordable health coverage for all Americans to keep our families healthy, our businesses competitive, and our country strong."

  2. Preexisting Conditions
    Make preexisting condition limitations illegal. Everyone should have health care, and we need to treat people who have not had health care before. Also, if everyone has health care, health insurance companies need not fear that some people will only purchase health insurance after being diagnosed with an expensive illness.
  3. Any Health Plan
    Require insurance companies to allow any person to buy into any health care plan they offer. They can't offer a really good plan for big employers without providing them to individuals or small business.
  4. Equal Rates
    If an insurance company negotiates a discounted rate from, e.g., a drug manufacture or physician, that discounted rate must be offered to all insurance plans, private citizens, and governmental programs.
  5. Mental Health
    Increase mental health benefits. Adequate care for the mentally ill is an important facet of notion health. We need to undo the damage Reagan caused when he emptied our mental hospitals onto the streets.
  6. Sex Education
    Have the Surgeon General develop a comprehensive sex education program, starting with Kindergarten pre-sex education and going through high school seniors. Abstinence will be presented as the method with the highest theoretical success rate, though with a pretty low practical success rate. Will include all other forms of birth control, STDs, HIV/AIDS, and all other relevant topics.
  7. Condoms
    Free condoms. To ensure the health of all people, to help stem the growth of AIDS, and to lessen unwanted pregnancies, we should give free condoms to all who need them and may not be able to afford them. This includes children; if they're already having sex, we need to make sure they don't get sicf doing it.
  8. Medical Privacy
    Strengthen medical privacy.
  9. Same as Congress
    The Democrates have an interesting proposal: "And we will provide all Americans with access to the same coverage that members of Congress give themselves." [Dem 2004]