
The 2nd amendment and our history and culture demand that guns be available to law-abiding citizens. We can not remove that right. But, just like the 1st amendment, the right to bear arms has limitations and constraints.

  1. Second Amendment
    Keep the fundamental right to bear arms, for law-abiding citizens.

  2. Gun Licensing
    Continue and strengthen licensing, to keep guns in the hands of those who know how to use them.

  3. Training
    Require/strengthen mandatory training for gun licenses. We want a well-trained militia here. It's kinda pointless to give guns to people who don't know how to use them.

  4. Waiting Periods
    Keep and strengthen waiting periods, so guns are not purchased in the heat of passion. If we're creating "a well trained militia", then someone should have the discipline to wait for the waiting period and background check to go through.

  5. Assault Rifles
    What about assault rifles? A well-regulated militia needs people who can use assault weapons (and who have them). But the waiting period and licensing can be really strict. Like a one year waiting period and 100 hours of training.

  6. What the Second Ammendment isn't
    The right to carry a concealed handgun is not a Second Amendment issue. The Second Amendment is about militia things. Also, hunting and hunting rifles is not part of the Second Amendment. However, handguns and rifles do provided reasonable training for militias, and can be useful in some miltiary-style actions.